来源:《科学报告》 发布时间:2018/6/9 14:13:16


Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components


Yongqiang Zhang, Jorge L. Peña-Arancibia, Tim R. McVicar, Francis H. S. Chiew, Jai Vaze, Changming Liu, Xingjie Lu, Hongxing Zheng, Yingping Wang, Yi Y. Liu, Diego G. Miralles & Ming Pan




11 January 2016

Evapotranspiration (ET) is the process by which liquid water becomes water vapor and energetically this accounts for much of incoming solar radiation. If this ET did not occur temperatures would be higher, so understanding ET trends is crucial to predict future temperatures. Recent studies have reported prolonged declines in ET in recent decades, although these declines may relate to climate variability. Here, we used a well-validated diagnostic model to estimate daily ET during 1981–2012, and its three components: transpiration from vegetation (Et), direct evaporation from the soil (Es) and vaporization of intercepted rainfall from vegetation (Ei). During this period, ET over land has increased significantly (p < 0.01), caused by increases in Et and Ei, which are partially counteracted by Es decreasing. These contrasting trends are primarily driven by increases in vegetation leaf area index, dominated by greening. The overall increase in Et over land is about twofold of the decrease in Es. These opposing trends are not simulated by most Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) models, and highlight the importance of realistically representing vegetation changes in earth system models for predicting future changes in the energy and water cycle.

2016年1月,《科学报告》发表的一项研究Multi-decadal trends in global terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components展示了近几十年全球陆地蒸散量及其组成成分的变化趋势。过去的研究表明陆地蒸散量在近几十年间持续减少,然而,新的诊断模型对过去几十年地表蒸散量的推测得到了相反的结果。



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