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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/10/6 18:08:23

美国哈佛医学院Johan Paulsson和Richard Losick等研究人员合作发现,两种蛋白质之间的随机拮抗作用可以调控细菌细胞命运的转换。该项研究成果发表在2019年10月4日出版的《科学》上。




Title: Stochastic antagonism between two proteins governs a bacterial cell fate switch

Author: Nathan D. Lord, Thomas M. Norman, Ruoshi Yuan, Somenath Bakshi, Richard Losick, Johan Paulsson

Issue&Volume: Volume 366 Issue 6461

Abstract: Cell fate decision circuits must be variable enough for genetically identical cells to adopt a multitude of fates, yet ensure that these states are distinct, stably maintained, and coordinated with neighboring cells. A long-standing view is that this is achieved by regulatory networks involving self-stabilizing feedback loops that convert small differences into long-lived cell types. We combined regulatory mutants and in vivo reconstitution with theory for stochastic processes to show that the marquee features of a cell fate switch in Bacillus subtilis—discrete states, multigenerational inheritance, and timing of commitments—can instead be explained by simple stochastic competition between two constitutively produced proteins that form an inactive complex. Such antagonistic interactions are commonplace in cells and could provide powerful mechanisms for cell fate determination more broadly.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw4506

