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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/11/29 22:10:17

美国斯隆凯特林研究所Jennifer A. Zallen小组发现,Abl和Canoe/Afadin介导三细胞交界处的机械转导。这一研究成果于2020年11月27日发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上。





Title: Abl and Canoe/Afadin mediate mechanotransduction at tricellular junctions

Author: Huapeng H. Yu, Jennifer A. Zallen

Issue&Volume: 2020/11/27

Abstract: Epithelial structure is generated by the dynamic reorganization of cells in response to mechanical forces. Adherens junctions transmit forces between cells, but how cells sense and respond to these forces in vivo is not well understood. We identify a mechanotransduction pathway involving the Abl tyrosine kinase and Canoe/Afadin that stabilizes cell adhesion under tension at tricellular junctions in the Drosophila embryo. Canoe is recruited to tricellular junctions in response to actomyosin contractility, and this mechanosensitivity requires Abl-dependent phosphorylation of a conserved tyrosine in the Canoe actin-binding domain. Preventing Canoe tyrosine phosphorylation destabilizes tricellular adhesion, and anchoring Canoe at tricellular junctions independently of mechanical inputs aberrantly stabilizes adhesion, arresting cell rearrangement. These results identify a force-responsive mechanism that stabilizes tricellular adhesion under tension during epithelial remodeling.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aba5528

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6520/eaba5528
