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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/3/19 16:57:04

安徽医科大学Wei Wei等研究人员合作发现,血管紧张素II型2受体信号通过抑制Hippo通路促进肝损伤修复和再生。2024年3月15日,《中国药理学报》在线发表了这项成果。





Title: Angiotensin II type-2 receptor signaling facilitates liver injury repair and regeneration via inactivation of Hippo pathway

Author: Xu, Chang-yong, Jiang, Ji, An, Yue, Ye, Peng-fei, Zhang, Cun-cun, Sun, Ning-ning, Miao, Sai-nan, Chai, Meng-qi, Liu, Wen-min, Yang, Mei, Zhu, Wei-hua, Yu, Jing-jing, Yu, Man-man, Sun, Wu-yi, Qiu, Huan, Zhang, Shi-hao, Wei, Wei

Issue&Volume: 2024-03-15

Abstract: The angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) is a well-established component of the renin-angiotensin system and is known to counteract classical activation of this system and protect against organ damage. Pharmacological activation of the AT2R has significant therapeutic benefits, including vasodilation, natriuresis, anti-inflammatory activity, and improved insulin sensitivity. However, the precise biological functions of the AT2R in maintaining homeostasis in liver tissue remain largely unexplored. In this study, we found that the AT2R facilitates liver repair and regeneration following acute injury by deactivating Hippo signaling and that interleukin-6 transcriptionally upregulates expression of the AT2R in hepatocytes through STAT3 acting as a transcription activator binding to promoter regions of the AT2R. Subsequently, elevated AT2R levels activate downstream signaling via heterotrimeric G protein Gα12/13-coupled signals to induce Yap activity, thereby contributing to repair and regeneration processes in the liver. Conversely, a deficiency in the AT2R attenuates regeneration of the liver while increasing susceptibility to acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Administration of an AT2R agonist significantly enhances the repair and regeneration capacity of injured liver tissue. Our findings suggest that the AT2R acts as an upstream regulator in the Hippo pathway and is a potential target in the treatment of liver damage.

DOI: 10.1038/s41401-024-01249-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41401-024-01249-0


Acta Pharmacologica Sinica《中国药理学报》,创刊于1980年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:8.2

