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上皮间肥大细胞驱动gasdermin C介导的2型免疫
作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/16 16:34:52

清华大学胡小玉课题组发现,上皮内肥大细胞驱动gasdermin C介导的2型免疫。这一研究成果于2024年4月12日在线发表在国际学术期刊《免疫》上。

研究人员揭示了上皮间肥大细胞(IEMC)在驱动gasdermin C介导的2型免疫中意想不到的关键作用。在蠕虫感染期间,αEβ7整合素阳性的IEMC与邻近的肠上皮细胞(IEC)发生了广泛的细胞间交流。在IEMC衍生蛋白酶的作用下,上皮细胞固有的gasdermin C蛋白发生切割,从而释放出一种关键的2型细胞因子——白细胞介素-33(IL-33)。
值得注意的是,肥大细胞的缺失取消了上皮细胞启动的由gasdermin C介导的免疫级联。这些发现阐明了IEMC的功能,揭示了以前未认识到的涉及肥大细胞-上皮细胞交流的2型免疫阶段,并加深了人们对激活gasdermin C的细胞机制理解。



Title: Intraepithelial mast cells drive gasdermin C-mediated type 2 immunity

Author: Liu Yang, Huabin He, Xue-Kun Guo, Jiali Wang, Wenwen Wang, Da Li, Shaonan Liang, Feng Shao, Wanli Liu, Xiaoyu Hu

Issue&Volume: 2024-04-12

Abstract: A specialized population of mast cells residing within epithelial layers, currentlyknown as intraepithelial mast cells (IEMCs), was originally observed over a centuryago, yet their physiological functions have remained enigmatic. In this study, weunveil an unexpected and crucial role of IEMCs in driving gasdermin C-mediated type2 immunity. During helminth infection, αEβ7 integrin-positive IEMCs engaged in extensiveintercellular crosstalk with neighboring intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Throughthe action of IEMC-derived proteases, gasdermin C proteins intrinsic to the epithelialcells underwent cleavage, leading to the release of a critical type 2 cytokine, interleukin-33(IL-33). Notably, mast cell deficiency abolished the gasdermin C-mediated immune cascadeinitiated by epithelium. These findings shed light on the functions of IEMCs, uncovera previously unrecognized phase of type 2 immunity involving mast cell-epithelialcell crosstalk, and advance our understanding of the cellular mechanisms underlying gasdermin C activation.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2024.03.017

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/abstract/S1074-7613(24)00138-9


