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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2024/4/25 16:33:55

近日,意大利博洛尼亚大学的Sirio Belli及其研究团队取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们发现在一个红移为2.45的星系中,多相气体流出使恒星形成过程终止。相关研究成果已于2024年4月22日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表。

该研究团队报道了在红移z=2.445处,经历快速淬灭的大质量星系的JWST光谱分析结果。研究人员探测到微弱的电离气体流出和强烈的中性气体流出,其质量流出率足以使恒星形成熄灭。他们没有检测到X射线或射电电活动; 然而,电离气体发射谱线的特性暗示了超大质量黑洞的存在。因此,研究人员得出结论,超大质量黑洞能够通过高效地喷出中性气体,迅速抑制大质量星系中恒星的形成。



Title: Star Formation Shut Down by Multiphase Gas Outflow in a Galaxy at a Redshift of 2.45

Author: Belli, Sirio, Park, Minjung, Davies, Rebecca L., Mendel, J. Trevor, Johnson, Benjamin D., Conroy, Charlie, Benton, Chlo, Bugiani, Letizia, Emami, Razieh, Leja, Joel, Li, Yijia, Maheson, Gabriel, Mathews, Elijah P., Naidu, Rohan P., Nelson, Erica J., Tacchella, Sandro, Terrazas, Bryan A., Weinberger, Rainer

Issue&Volume: 2024-04-22

Abstract: Large-scale outflows driven by supermassive black holes are thought to play a fundamental role in suppressing star formation in massive galaxies. However, direct observational evidence for this hypothesis is still lacking, particularly in the young universe where star formation quenching is remarkably rapid, thus requiring effective removal of gas as opposed to slow gas heating. While outflows of ionized gas are commonly detected in massive distant galaxies, the amount of ejected mass is too small to be able to suppress star formation. Gas ejection is expected to be more efficient in the neutral and molecular phases, but at high redshift these have only been observed in starbursts and quasars. Here we report JWST spectroscopy of a massive galaxy experiencing rapid quenching at redshift z=2.445. We detect a weak outflow of ionized gas and a powerful outflow of neutral gas, with a mass outflow rate that is sufficient to quench the star formation. Neither X-ray or radio activity are detected; however, the presence of a supermassive black hole is suggested by the properties of the ionized gas emission lines. We thus conclude that supermassive black holes are able to rapidly suppress star formation in massive galaxies by efficiently ejecting neutral gas.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07412-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07412-1


